Tuesday, April 20, 2010

20 Questions About Spa Quality & Plastic Surgery.

I've got links today that I think you should stop and read if you are in the Spa business.

The first will get you to stop and think about how things are running in your daily business.

20 Questions About Spa Quality

A spa quality system includes everything that the spa's staff needs to know and information about how to safely, effectively and efficiently deliver treatments and services that consistently meet the needs of spa clients. By using a quality system approach, the spa is positioned for long-term success. The following 20 questions from Spa Quality, LLC are designed to help you determine if your spa's quality system is complete.

Second is what I think is an important piece that everyone should consider when dealing with clients, in fact I'm sure some in the spa business have experienced this themselves.

Jessica asked the woman why she would want this surgery. The woman told a story about being teased many years ago in school about her eyes. It doesn't matter where you live. Teasing leaves deep scars on self esteem. Unfortunately, plastic surgery does not always erase these words from your head.

Until next time.
Madison for MoreSpaTraffic.com.

Monday, March 22, 2010

What is probably the most important part of your eMail Campaign?

That little old subject line that some people just gloss over.

There are some people I know who would argue that it is the most important puzzle piece to your eMail campaign.

Let's face it, because of the Internet things are changing so fast that it's amazing that we aren't blowing out brain cells and pulling muscles as we try to keep up with it. One of the coolest things about we humans though is just how we are creatures of adaptation. We learn to search, gather, and eliminate information that clutters up our already busy time.

In some ways the continual flow of information to us in our eMail boxes and our iPhones has made us a bit stilted. In the short period of time that I see an eMail with the prefix "FWD:" attached to it I am going to look at the subject and who sent it and then figure out if I should trash it or read. You're probably not all that different than me.

We all probably get upward of 50 emails each day. I would hazard to guess that many of us receive a lot more than that. A quick look at my Google Spam filter shows over 1,000 suspected spam eMails.

Did you know that in 2008, it was estimated that 210 billion eMails flew around the Internet ether each day. That's a lot of mail to have sort. Thankfully we are adaptive people with powerful tools like spam filters.

This brings me back to the beginning of my post. In your spa or salon eMail campaigns, the subject line you choose is of utmost importance for gaining the attention of your clients.

If you don't stop them in their mouse-clicking tracks then they won't be clicking on your eMail.

Be personable in that subject line, it's a great way for you to grab their attention. Showcase your Spa's personality.

The other thing to do is to get creative. You know that there is no one understands your business or your clients better than you do. Relate local flavor and happenings that are important to your area. Things that your local spa goers know and follow.

Did something special happen at your spa?

Use it: "You have to hear about what happened at [insert your spa/salon here] this week!" Then tell them briefly of the happenings, like a new baby or wedding or award. Connect with your clients and then attach a coupon for a special or free item to draw them. Finally, encourage them to forward the email to their friends.

We live in an era where people desire connection, giver that to them. Lock onto that and be willing connect in a relationship with them. Visit MoreSpaTraffic.com and we can help you with our proven campaign program.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Spa Entrepreneurs ROCK! With salt even.

I've got to share these two news items that I came across today. It really excites me to see people stepping out and filling niches and recognizing markets.

Check out this new spa in New York that is a salt spa. It supposedly helps breathing and such. I'll tell you what. I'd love to try. Here in Florida I constantly have a sinus trouble.

Salt spa opens in New York City

A type of spa popular overseas is now popping up in New York City.

It's made of salt.

It not only has beauty benefits, but can improve your health as well.

There are more than a thousand salt spas in eastern Europe, and a handful in Israel.

This other news item on a spa is a great example of people with a vision and passion accomplishing something great.

The Waterfall, a Taste of Relaxation in Sacramento

As Melody Johnson and Shirley Lewis enjoyed a relaxing day at the Ritz-Carlton, Half Moon Bay day-spa, they were troubled. They thought it was criminal that many people couldn't afford such an experience. The two women see relaxation not as a luxury but as a crucial, restorative part of life.

With that in mind, they decided to create a place where people can afford to experience a full serving of relaxation. Thus, Sacramento's Waterfall Relaxation Center was born.
Such news items always encourage me in business and I hope they've encouraged you too. There's always a way to make the most of what is going on in your life today.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Retaining your spa and salon clients.

Do you want to retain clients?

Well of course you do, you are after all in business and it's a business that depends upon clients.

Great spa and salon treatments can only go so far in setting you apart from everyone else.

If you want to go beyond the treatments, beyond the experience, you must connect on a personal level with your guests. Get to know them, and let them get to know you.

Practice the service of listening. I say service, because I mean active listening, not the zoning out variety. Service listening involves thinking on what's being said and then asking pertinent questions, watching the physical cues and demeanor of your spa guest.

Make them know that your time with them is important which means putting the cell phone away.

Be respectful. The client is putting themselves into a position of vulnerability.

All in all be the best servant you can be, because it is the heart of a servant that will impact those people the most and bring them back again.

And what does the heart of a servant look like? It is a heart that puts aside itself for another.

So how do you connect with the client after they leave the four walls? Well, come to MoreSpaTraffic where we can help with that.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Do you reward your clients?

That reward should equal the value of the client to your spa/salon business.

I'm certain you have clients who frequent your spa or salon on a regular basis? You can tick them off on your fingers naming each one. They are regularly booked.

You know who they are when their day goes by and they don't show or they call in to cancel, you miss them because in a big way they have become part of your family.

It's those clients who are your fans. The people who come not just because of the quality massage or facial or hair treatment, but because your business offers them something more, sometimes something as intangible as friendship or a place to rejuvenate.

How do you reward those guests for their loyalty?

Is the reward equal to their value as a customer to your spa/salon?

If it's not equal to the value of that client to your business than you may want to study upon that for a little while.

Unless you're one of the big chains with large marketing budgets as large as their square footage, you are going to find it difficult to let the people within driving distance know you exist. Harder still is finding a way to keep your name before those people on a regular basis.

Those loyal clients know people and they will willing spread your brand because they have found value in you. They are the people who will bring others via that old fashion marketing mechanism of "word of mouth".

In essence those clients are the coals to your fire that you need to nourish and keep burning. If you let them cool then getting that fire going will be more difficult, or worse, you might find that all your coals have become wet!

So as you consider ways to reward your best clients, consider that reward in relation to their value.

Remember, we're here to help connect with those customers:

Friday, October 16, 2009

I'm testing out Ping.fm for the first time. I like the concept.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

What did your clients take with them when they left your spa?

I realize you probably have an immediate answer to that question but stop for a minute and get into your creative mind. Imagine yourself in the position of your client driving into the parking lot for your spa or whichever mode of transportation is used in your area. You, as the client, are probably stressed, perhaps muscles tight from being hunched over a computer keyboard or dealing with young children all day, and you walk through those spa doors which promise escape from that stress.

Then what? What's the check in like? The waiting room?

Mentally walk through the spa to where you as a client need to go for your appointment for your facial or massage, etc. What do you as a client observe, what do you hear? Music, voices, noises, smells?

Now, the appointment is over and you leave, what's that process like? You exit the doors of the spa, hopefully refreshed and cleansed, you pull out of the parking lot onto the busy road and head to your next destination.

Ask yourself, "What did you take with you from the spa?"

Did the client JUST receive a massage or an aromatherapy treatment? That memory and sensation won't last without some key ingredient attached to it.

Your client needs an experience. Is that experience one of thorough and enjoyable service?

Is there an element of your spa that rockets it above your competition? What is it that your clients journey out into the world with that makes them say, "You've got to go to my spa. You will be transported and the dust of the day will wash off your soul"?

Only you can figure out what that element is, but when you do you can strengthen that element thereby giving your clients the ability to become your cheerleaders, your cubicle/water-cooler preachers. We at MoreSpaTraffic.com can help you with that process with our proven technology that will increase your referrals and connect you with your clients beyond the life escaping walls of your spa which you love and into which you pour your passion.