Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Finding encouragement.

We are in some difficult time in our economy. Everyone knows someone who is struggling or has lost a job. Perhaps you are that person.

The good news is that there is a tomorrow. There are ways out it's just a matter of finding them and there are people that will help you along the way. Perhaps even people you don't even know.

And you are not alone. I was reminded of this today when reading this article from the Milford Daily News:

Dayle's Day Spa: just what the doctor ordered

I encourage you to read the whole article and gain some encouragement from Dayle Ciampa's life and growth of her spa business. It's a great testament to sticking to one's passions and not giving up.

So too, is this blog post from Peggy Huff who voices her frustrations but also her plan to not give up and to fight for what she is passionate about in the face of trial:

Key to Survival: Become a Pioneer Again. 

While more and more people loose their jobs and small business across the country are being forced to close (bless all the Chrysler and GM dealers, their families and employees) who are being handed that card today), their ability to begin new careers are also being cut off by banks who used to provide student loans, like SLM Corporation, also known as Sallie Mae. They have stopped lending for smaller schools like mine all across the country which in turn is forcing even more small businesses (schools) to also shut down due to lack of students.

Thanks for taking the time to stop by and read my missive this late evening. I pray you continue to strive in what you are passionate for and about because I know that's when you will find contentment in your work.


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