Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Two great articles to read for your Spa Business.

Good afternoon!

I hope your weekend was a great one!

Better still I hope you finding this week to be reved up and productive.

I came across two sites today in my reading that I thought I would pass along. I think they can help you in your Spa business.

The first is an in depth piece that deals with merchandising and helping you sell more of your merchandise products from your store.

Here's the link:


Here's a snippet:

INTRODUCTION: The retail component in any business requires an acute awareness of not only the competition, but also what the demographic thinks it wants. Imagery, that first impression, is the “gotcha factor” that has always worked. The psychology of retail includes not only experiential marketing of goods and services, it also includes trying to convince the consumer buying what it thinks it really needs without the customer really knowing that they needed the product in the first place. 

I've worked retail for a long time and there is some really good advice in Terry's post.

The second article is found on Alternative Medicine Zone. I am listing it because I know you have some customers who suffer from migraines and there is some good advice here that you can offer those customers. They will appreciate your concern and attentiveness to them:

The head is the head of the body, and keeps track of all that goes inside. It is notable that all sense organs, that give our life the instinctive flushes, are present in the head.

And thus, it is essential that it is kept in the pink of health.

The pain in the head, or headaches are common happenings and in fact the world’s most common disease along with common cold.

As always. Be sure to check out what we can do for your marketing program at
MoreSpaTraffic.com. Our program can increase your business by 15-20%.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Considering a Career in the Spa Industry? Read this.

Here is an article that is a must read for anyone considering a career in the spa/salon industry. In fact if you're in the industry, read if for a refresh of what it is you're doing.

Just because spas offer its customers full relaxation and respite from the daily stress and hustle and bustle of the metropolis, it doesn’t necessarily mean that the people working behind it are on Zen mode 24 hours a day, seven days a week. In fact, managing a spa or taking on a spa career comes with as many guidelines and technicalities as the average Windows operating system. While it may seem odd that we compare something deemed stress-relieving to something a little stress-inducing, this is the reality. A spa is considered a place for rest, but this only applies to the customer. For the people behind it, a spa is busy one-way street.

That's just the opening paragraph. The article goes on to describe the rewards and details the necessary mindset that one must have in this service industry that is growing.

It comes down to a desire to help and serve customers and that means having a cheery attitude and recognizing how special and important your customers are. It's a key fact that we recognize at MoreSpaTraffic.com where we can help you connect with your customers and enlist their help to drive more customers to your business.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Interesting article and data on Hotel-Spas

Be sure to check out this article:

The dynamics of the spa industry enable it to persevere longer than other industries for several reasons: a large portion of its consumers are affluent, an increase in stress can further emphasize the importance of staying healthy, and in difficult times people tend to seek out experiences rather than material objects. Yet during such economic times, the spa industry inevitably suffers as consumers re-prioritize and cut back on luxuries.
I continue to note the positive data and attitude to people in the spa industry during these difficult times. This industry I think is positioned to with stand much of the downturn that people are experiencing if we can be creative and connect with our customers in real and reliable ways that benefit the customer.

Check out that full article and also be sure to click over the MoreSpaTraffic.com for how we can help you with your Spa and Salon business.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Spa Trend

I just read an interesting article and thought I'd pass the link on.

In particular, one clear macro trend is emerging: the interweaving of medicine and spas in unprecedented ways, with spas poised to increase their roles in wellness and health care while hospitals evolve to embrace spa-like offerings and hospitality. As the expensive, sickness-oriented Western health care model comes under intense review, spa innovation and influence on both traditional and alternative/complementary medical fronts is growing. With consumers increasingly receptive to preventative wellness solutions and effective non-Western wellness modalities, spas are seizing the opportunity—and the spa-medicine relationship has never been so rich or strong.

Even though the economy continues to slump there is evidence that the spa business is growing. People are recognizing just how important taking time for the spa is for their health. More and more people are recognizing the value of spas for releasing and removing the stress and it's effects.

I've said it before, but spa owners and managers care about people and that is directly related to business. And because they care they look for creative ways to meet the needs of their customers.

If you are a spa owner, remember to check out MoreSpaTraffic how we can help increase your traffic, connect with your customers, and double your referrals. Right now you can try it out with our 14 day free trial period.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Creating Effective Loyalty Programs

I read this blog post today and thought that it applies greatly to any service oriented business and wanted to share it here. 

Creating Effective Loyalty Programs 

I’ll never forget the first time I walked into one of my favorite restaurants. I was greeted at the door, had a good experience with my server and enjoyed my meal. At the end of the meal, our server asked if I’d like to be part of their “Special VIP” club.  My first thought, of course, went to how much this “Special VIP” program was going to cost me. When the server explained that there was no cost to the program and that I would be receiving special email offers, I signed up and gave my information without giving it another thought.

It's well worth reading and it's the sort of thing we help spa owners do with our marketing program at More Spa Traffic.

Connecting with customers on a personal level is key to keeping them coming back. But not only do you keep them coming back by offering them great value and care, they will in turn bring more customers to your spa.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Example of How Every Touch Counts.

I ran across a rather intriguing blog post the other day that details the amazing power of the wonderful Internet social mediums like Facebook and Twitter.

The post is focused on an event that took place in a restaurant, but it's pertinent for spa and salon owners too. Really, it's pertinent for any business owner who works with the public.

Here's a snippet from, How Every Touch Counts:

A customer waiting for attention from the waiter instead decides to update his Facebook Status with the message that “I’m in The Mill Pub and can’t get service. Hate that”. This message then becomes visible to the customer’s network of hundreds or thousands of friends. Could this have a negative effect on perception and even on bookings? Potentially.

A similar incident became widely publicized in the US recently when the high profile wine blogger and internet celebrity Gary Vaynerchuk when he attended a recent conference in Miami. His poor experience in a high profile hotel affected him so much he video blogged about it, as did a few other high profile internet folks with the result that hundreds of thousands of people learned of their experience within 24 hours. The results were huge and the hotel went into fire-fighting mode to try and offset the negative publicity.

The bad publicity lost the hotel a lot of key business.

It's a great example of the need of business owners and managers to treat every customer like they are their only customer. Is it easy? My word, no! But it is necessary to succeed in this current economic climate where we must do everything we can within reason to keep our loyal customers and and make new ones.

It's also a great example of just how powerful this new medium is today and as business people we need to be actively involved in using the power of the Internet to connect with our customers and make new ones.

That's what we at MoreSpaTraffic.com are committed to doing with our spa marketing program for you. We can help you connect on the Internet with your loyal customers and others in your area with a cost effective program that will increase your business by 15-20% and help double your referrals.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

A couple of links on management and Spa and Salon Marketing.

I just stumbled across this blog post that I thought worth reading:

 Creating and Managing Effective Teams in the Workplace

It gives a number of great points on working and managing groups.

If you're looking for a great cost effective means to market your spa or salon you need to check out the service:
