Thursday, August 20, 2009

What is the thing you do well?

It's a question you should step back and think about in relation to your business.

Why? Because it is not just your strength but your innate talent coming to the forefront of your business. The trick is to recognize that talent and push it completely to the front.

No, this doesn't mean to forget or even neglect all the other things that you do. Those things still need to be accomplished in a professional way. But that thing that you do well needs... no, wants... that thing you do well wants to become the thing that you exceed at.

Perhaps the thing you do well is encourage your clients when they visit your business. If that's the case focus on that and find ways to take that encouragement to the next level. You've got their addresses. Follow up with those clients some days after their visit with a special hand written note thanking them and encouraging them.

Perhaps that thing you do well, is a particular treatment. Consider taking that treatment to a special community event or fund raiser and volunteering your time during that event. Take the opportunity to gather some client testimonials and pen a press release announcing that special day and treatment to the press.

Make that talent part of your brand and clients will remember.

Or as Walt Disney once said:

"Do what you do so well that they will want
to see it again and bring their friends."

Oh, and don't worry, identifying that strength, working it and making it more strong, will then overflow into the rest of your business in a natural way. Impress upon your staff, this is what we do well as a team. Search them out for ways to improve upon it and listen. Help them to catch the vision of expanding upon that talent and help them to see their clients coming back with friends.

Don't forget that if you are a spa owner or manager of a spa, be sure to check out our website at
and see the video on how we can help you connect outside your walls over the Internet with your clients. See our video which shows how we can help you with our program.