Thursday, November 5, 2009

Do you reward your clients?

That reward should equal the value of the client to your spa/salon business.

I'm certain you have clients who frequent your spa or salon on a regular basis? You can tick them off on your fingers naming each one. They are regularly booked.

You know who they are when their day goes by and they don't show or they call in to cancel, you miss them because in a big way they have become part of your family.

It's those clients who are your fans. The people who come not just because of the quality massage or facial or hair treatment, but because your business offers them something more, sometimes something as intangible as friendship or a place to rejuvenate.

How do you reward those guests for their loyalty?

Is the reward equal to their value as a customer to your spa/salon?

If it's not equal to the value of that client to your business than you may want to study upon that for a little while.

Unless you're one of the big chains with large marketing budgets as large as their square footage, you are going to find it difficult to let the people within driving distance know you exist. Harder still is finding a way to keep your name before those people on a regular basis.

Those loyal clients know people and they will willing spread your brand because they have found value in you. They are the people who will bring others via that old fashion marketing mechanism of "word of mouth".

In essence those clients are the coals to your fire that you need to nourish and keep burning. If you let them cool then getting that fire going will be more difficult, or worse, you might find that all your coals have become wet!

So as you consider ways to reward your best clients, consider that reward in relation to their value.

Remember, we're here to help connect with those customers:

Friday, October 16, 2009

I'm testing out for the first time. I like the concept.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

What did your clients take with them when they left your spa?

I realize you probably have an immediate answer to that question but stop for a minute and get into your creative mind. Imagine yourself in the position of your client driving into the parking lot for your spa or whichever mode of transportation is used in your area. You, as the client, are probably stressed, perhaps muscles tight from being hunched over a computer keyboard or dealing with young children all day, and you walk through those spa doors which promise escape from that stress.

Then what? What's the check in like? The waiting room?

Mentally walk through the spa to where you as a client need to go for your appointment for your facial or massage, etc. What do you as a client observe, what do you hear? Music, voices, noises, smells?

Now, the appointment is over and you leave, what's that process like? You exit the doors of the spa, hopefully refreshed and cleansed, you pull out of the parking lot onto the busy road and head to your next destination.

Ask yourself, "What did you take with you from the spa?"

Did the client JUST receive a massage or an aromatherapy treatment? That memory and sensation won't last without some key ingredient attached to it.

Your client needs an experience. Is that experience one of thorough and enjoyable service?

Is there an element of your spa that rockets it above your competition? What is it that your clients journey out into the world with that makes them say, "You've got to go to my spa. You will be transported and the dust of the day will wash off your soul"?

Only you can figure out what that element is, but when you do you can strengthen that element thereby giving your clients the ability to become your cheerleaders, your cubicle/water-cooler preachers. We at can help you with that process with our proven technology that will increase your referrals and connect you with your clients beyond the life escaping walls of your spa which you love and into which you pour your passion.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

What is the thing you do well?

It's a question you should step back and think about in relation to your business.

Why? Because it is not just your strength but your innate talent coming to the forefront of your business. The trick is to recognize that talent and push it completely to the front.

No, this doesn't mean to forget or even neglect all the other things that you do. Those things still need to be accomplished in a professional way. But that thing that you do well needs... no, wants... that thing you do well wants to become the thing that you exceed at.

Perhaps the thing you do well is encourage your clients when they visit your business. If that's the case focus on that and find ways to take that encouragement to the next level. You've got their addresses. Follow up with those clients some days after their visit with a special hand written note thanking them and encouraging them.

Perhaps that thing you do well, is a particular treatment. Consider taking that treatment to a special community event or fund raiser and volunteering your time during that event. Take the opportunity to gather some client testimonials and pen a press release announcing that special day and treatment to the press.

Make that talent part of your brand and clients will remember.

Or as Walt Disney once said:

"Do what you do so well that they will want
to see it again and bring their friends."

Oh, and don't worry, identifying that strength, working it and making it more strong, will then overflow into the rest of your business in a natural way. Impress upon your staff, this is what we do well as a team. Search them out for ways to improve upon it and listen. Help them to catch the vision of expanding upon that talent and help them to see their clients coming back with friends.

Don't forget that if you are a spa owner or manager of a spa, be sure to check out our website at
and see the video on how we can help you connect outside your walls over the Internet with your clients. See our video which shows how we can help you with our program.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Pumkin Seeds and Growing and Harvesting Foods for Spas.

Good afternoon!

I just came across a couple of interesting items today on the Internet and I thought I'd share them with you.

The first was news to me. I had no idea that pumkin seeds were such a great source of nutrition and health. I found it via a twitter follower

My twitter account of course is

Any way, here's the link to the interesting low down on Pumpkin seeds:

The Benefits of Pumpkin Seeds.

The next item of interest is this item from Vision Spa Retreat:

Growing for spas: a local enterprise

The demand for body care products has proliferated dramatically, along with the growing spa industry. 'Green' products have commanded a premium (and not always justifiable) market price. With increasing evidence of green washing, body care product manufacturers face scrutiny from conscious consumers who also represent a significant percentage of spa consumers.

This ought to encourage spas and other related venues to examine their choices and offerings more closely. The best and most creative solution, I believe, is to source local and to involve the community - from suppliers, to staff, to customers - in the creation of a unique and varied spa menu. For a spa venue, making food-based spa treatments, including sourcing local materials for these, will require either:
  • establishing their own on-site organic garden, perhaps with bee hives for honey and wax, or
  • researching and networking to find good and reliable local suppliers
Click over to read the full piece. It's quite good.

Don't forget that if you are a spa owner or manager of a spa, be sure to check out our website at
and see the video on how we can help you connect outside your walls over the Internet with your clients. See our video which shows how we can help you with our program.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

It's about Customer Service in the Spa Industry.

I was reading and twittering today and there was continuing thought which popped out to me yet again.

A successful business requires great customer service. Sure, you can offer a unique and new beauty product or a great new massage technique, but if you can't back it up with quality customer service you won't go far.

The reason why is that quality customer service for your client builds a relationship and a relationship lasts.

Here's an article that got me thinking on this today:

The Spa Industry has long struggled with finding good customer service for the front desk. If you ask any salon or spa owner what position is the most important in their business, most will say it’s the front desk. Why then is finding qualified individuals to work the front desk in a salon or spa such a struggle?

Valentina Chistova, owner of Aquamedica Salon and Day Spa in Long Branch, NJ shares her thoughts on the day spa industry’s struggle to hire professional help for the front desk.

Here's another that fit in:

5. Customer Service
You're in the business of pampering your customer. There's no such thing as being too attentive in this highly competitive industry.

Don't forget that if you are a spa owner or manager of a spa, be sure to check out our website at and see the video on how we can help you connect outside your walls over the Internet with your clients. See our video which shows how we can help you with our program.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

10 Great Reasons to Make a Spa Visit.

I was doing some reading on some of my favorite sites today and came across Anitra Brown's post:

Top Ten Reasons To Go To A Spa

Get Healthy, Lose Weight...Or Indulge!

It's a great list that I couldn't agree more with.

Her top three are:

  1. Get Healthy
  2. Relax
  3. Lose Weight
Of course she goes into detail on all ten. So swing over and check them out. And while you're there grab her RSS feed. She continues to be a great source of info for client and business owner.

But tell me. What reasons to you go to the spa?

And don't forget, if you're a spa or salon owner and are looking for a cost effective means to market yourself directly to customers in your area via eMail then check us out at We can help you increase your business 15-20% and double your referrals.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Are you reaching your clients on a personal level?

In the spa business it is necessary for you to reach out and touch your clients. You must physically interact with them whether it's working out that knot pinching a nerve in their neck or giving a pedicure. So yes, you do interact with them.

The question though is, are you connecting with them on a personal level? Are you giving that extra little bit of effort that shows your client that, "Hey, I am so glad I know you"?

It's that extra little bits, whether it's asking about their family or giving them a foot massage before the pedicure, that connect them with you. And should in your conversations with your clients, you note something that you really want to remember so that you can ask them about it the next time you see them, make a note of it to reminder yourself, unless your blessed with an ironclad memory. It's definitely something you have to work and something that won't necessarily show immediate returns. Such things help to make your spa or salon more friendly and that is a step that opens up the doors to great client interaction and return business. You want and even need, after all things are said and done, clients who will tell their friends and family about you.

Which reminds me of something I came across a while ago. Though it doesn't deal with spas I think it is pertinent:

How Every Touch Counts

It gives a real world example of how, in this web enabled world, making a bad impression on a client can go a long way towards making business especially hard for a business owner.

Sure that might cause a bit of fear at first when you think about the negative possibilities of such connectedness. But, as the cliché goes, there is a flip side to that coin and the good thing is you have the power to flip the coin. Take advantage of the interconnectedness of the Internet. Set up a website and a blog for your Spa. Get a Twitter account running if you haven't gotten one yet. You don't have to update these things on a daily basis, though you may find yourself on Twitter quite a bit. Get your clients' email addresses.

You may even want to find out if they would like to hear from you occasionally via a Text on their cell phone. An easy way to find this out would be to give them your cell phone number so that they can text you if they want to check on an appointment or had any questions.

Make yourself available that way and I think it will lead to a growing business for you.

Remember desire to help you tap into and reward those loyal customers at

Our progran will help you show them you appreciate them and will help you to discover new customers for your spa/salon.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Finding encouragement.

We are in some difficult time in our economy. Everyone knows someone who is struggling or has lost a job. Perhaps you are that person.

The good news is that there is a tomorrow. There are ways out it's just a matter of finding them and there are people that will help you along the way. Perhaps even people you don't even know.

And you are not alone. I was reminded of this today when reading this article from the Milford Daily News:

Dayle's Day Spa: just what the doctor ordered

I encourage you to read the whole article and gain some encouragement from Dayle Ciampa's life and growth of her spa business. It's a great testament to sticking to one's passions and not giving up.

So too, is this blog post from Peggy Huff who voices her frustrations but also her plan to not give up and to fight for what she is passionate about in the face of trial:

Key to Survival: Become a Pioneer Again. 

While more and more people loose their jobs and small business across the country are being forced to close (bless all the Chrysler and GM dealers, their families and employees) who are being handed that card today), their ability to begin new careers are also being cut off by banks who used to provide student loans, like SLM Corporation, also known as Sallie Mae. They have stopped lending for smaller schools like mine all across the country which in turn is forcing even more small businesses (schools) to also shut down due to lack of students.

Thanks for taking the time to stop by and read my missive this late evening. I pray you continue to strive in what you are passionate for and about because I know that's when you will find contentment in your work.


Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Mother's Day at the Spas.

Are you taking advantage of this awesome holiday coming up?

I'm talking about Mother's Day of course.

I can't think of anyone more deserving then a trip to the spa or even a spa-vacation package. Can you think of anyone more deserving?

It's a great opportunity to market your business to your loyal customers and at More Spa Traffic we can help with that, increasing your business 15-20%.

If you need some ideas for Mother's Day specials, check out these links.

I hope you can get some good ideas from them.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Finding great deals in Washington D.C. Spas and Spa=Life.

I just read this entry by Katie T. and I thought it had a lot of great advice that could be used by everyone no matter what area of the country you are in today.

You can go ahead an insert the obligatory comments about the horrible economy plus how stressful everyone’s jobs are at the moment, and therefore make the obvious case for the increased need for stress-reducing treatments. Duh. You know my intro already. But let’s be realistic in our cost benefit analysis - is $120 for a massage going to make you feel better or worse about your financial situation? Right, you’re rolling your eyes, that’s what I thought.

But just because you can’t afford it doesn’t mean you don’t still need it. So I’m here to help you, friend, find a cheaper ticket to stress-less-ville. I’ve got a few cost-saving tips if you want to go to a professional spa, and then a few quick ideas and links if you’re up for a do it yourself spa session.

I also found this news item cool.

Dealing with your stress today can help prevent stress-related illnesses (heart disease, stroke, depression) tomorrow. "There's quite a bit you can learn at a spa to help reduce stress," said Dr. Brent Bauer, director of the Complementary and Integrative Medicine Program at Mayo Clinic. "Things like meditation, acupuncture, massage and guided imagery - the right answer is to find what fits for you and incorporate it on a regular basis."

As always, if you run a Spa, Resort, or Salon, be sure to check out our website,

We have a great means to cost effectively market your business and increase it by 15-20%. You're customers matter to you, and we can help you connect with them outside the spa.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Large Spas Failing, Smaller Spas Capitalizing

I was taking a look through some of the latest news and I noticed two interesting articles that popped out to me.

The first was this one:

It's a great article about the writers experience at an ultraluxury spa and a growing problem for spas like that across the country in the form of dwindling clients.

Katherine Stewart writes:

The hospitality industry as a whole is reeling from the recession. PKF Consulting, a Georgia-based firm of industry specialists focusing on hospitality and tourism, titles its March report on the industry "How Much Do You Stand To Lose in 2009?" The firm reported a 5.3 percent decline in occupancy, coupled with a 2.7 percent fall in room rates, leading to a 14 percent decline in net operating income for the average U.S. hotel from 2008-09. But the luxury-destination end of the business—where nightly accommodation charges can start at $700, as at Pelican Hill, and guests might spend equivalent sums on pampering, sports activities, and haute cuisine—seems to be taking a much harder hit.
This of course is leading to some problems for the big resort spas and many in the industry are trying to figure out how to deal with it. In part it's not that the rich don't have any more money, but they are being very careful with the money as I think there is a sense of uncertainty for them. I imagine there is also a stigma that's been cast upon so many so widely by the likes of bad people like Madoff. It's a shame.

But on the flip side is the smaller more flexible spas and spa related products that are surviving and even flourishing.

Here's one example that I spotted:

Annie Tasker reports on the misfortune of a troop of Brownies who raised some money to experience a spa day at a large spa. Unfortunately the spa took their money and then closed it's doors for good before giving them their spa day.

Annie writes:

After hearing from Korchek, Serenity Day Spa and Wellness Center on Swamp Road stepped up Wednesday afternoon and offered the girls a Saturday afternoon session free of charge, so long as they leave a tip. The girls will learn about facial and nail care from two manicurists and four estheticians, then head home with some goodie bags, said Serenity co-owner Jennifer Wiegand.
That was very encouraging to me to hear.

And I continue to hear from others in the industry via sources like Twitter, that those making products and those smaller more leaner companies are finding ways to deal with the difficulties faced in this downturn.

If you haven't yet check us out, be sure to stop by MoreSpaTraffic for how we can help you with your spa and salon marketing. We can help you increase your customer loyalty by rewarding those great customers which will increase double your referrals. Check out our site and the video.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Two great articles to read for your Spa Business.

Good afternoon!

I hope your weekend was a great one!

Better still I hope you finding this week to be reved up and productive.

I came across two sites today in my reading that I thought I would pass along. I think they can help you in your Spa business.

The first is an in depth piece that deals with merchandising and helping you sell more of your merchandise products from your store.

Here's the link:


Here's a snippet:

INTRODUCTION: The retail component in any business requires an acute awareness of not only the competition, but also what the demographic thinks it wants. Imagery, that first impression, is the “gotcha factor” that has always worked. The psychology of retail includes not only experiential marketing of goods and services, it also includes trying to convince the consumer buying what it thinks it really needs without the customer really knowing that they needed the product in the first place. 

I've worked retail for a long time and there is some really good advice in Terry's post.

The second article is found on Alternative Medicine Zone. I am listing it because I know you have some customers who suffer from migraines and there is some good advice here that you can offer those customers. They will appreciate your concern and attentiveness to them:

The head is the head of the body, and keeps track of all that goes inside. It is notable that all sense organs, that give our life the instinctive flushes, are present in the head.

And thus, it is essential that it is kept in the pink of health.

The pain in the head, or headaches are common happenings and in fact the world’s most common disease along with common cold.

As always. Be sure to check out what we can do for your marketing program at Our program can increase your business by 15-20%.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Considering a Career in the Spa Industry? Read this.

Here is an article that is a must read for anyone considering a career in the spa/salon industry. In fact if you're in the industry, read if for a refresh of what it is you're doing.

Just because spas offer its customers full relaxation and respite from the daily stress and hustle and bustle of the metropolis, it doesn’t necessarily mean that the people working behind it are on Zen mode 24 hours a day, seven days a week. In fact, managing a spa or taking on a spa career comes with as many guidelines and technicalities as the average Windows operating system. While it may seem odd that we compare something deemed stress-relieving to something a little stress-inducing, this is the reality. A spa is considered a place for rest, but this only applies to the customer. For the people behind it, a spa is busy one-way street.

That's just the opening paragraph. The article goes on to describe the rewards and details the necessary mindset that one must have in this service industry that is growing.

It comes down to a desire to help and serve customers and that means having a cheery attitude and recognizing how special and important your customers are. It's a key fact that we recognize at where we can help you connect with your customers and enlist their help to drive more customers to your business.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Interesting article and data on Hotel-Spas

Be sure to check out this article:

The dynamics of the spa industry enable it to persevere longer than other industries for several reasons: a large portion of its consumers are affluent, an increase in stress can further emphasize the importance of staying healthy, and in difficult times people tend to seek out experiences rather than material objects. Yet during such economic times, the spa industry inevitably suffers as consumers re-prioritize and cut back on luxuries.
I continue to note the positive data and attitude to people in the spa industry during these difficult times. This industry I think is positioned to with stand much of the downturn that people are experiencing if we can be creative and connect with our customers in real and reliable ways that benefit the customer.

Check out that full article and also be sure to click over the for how we can help you with your Spa and Salon business.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Spa Trend

I just read an interesting article and thought I'd pass the link on.

In particular, one clear macro trend is emerging: the interweaving of medicine and spas in unprecedented ways, with spas poised to increase their roles in wellness and health care while hospitals evolve to embrace spa-like offerings and hospitality. As the expensive, sickness-oriented Western health care model comes under intense review, spa innovation and influence on both traditional and alternative/complementary medical fronts is growing. With consumers increasingly receptive to preventative wellness solutions and effective non-Western wellness modalities, spas are seizing the opportunity—and the spa-medicine relationship has never been so rich or strong.

Even though the economy continues to slump there is evidence that the spa business is growing. People are recognizing just how important taking time for the spa is for their health. More and more people are recognizing the value of spas for releasing and removing the stress and it's effects.

I've said it before, but spa owners and managers care about people and that is directly related to business. And because they care they look for creative ways to meet the needs of their customers.

If you are a spa owner, remember to check out MoreSpaTraffic how we can help increase your traffic, connect with your customers, and double your referrals. Right now you can try it out with our 14 day free trial period.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Creating Effective Loyalty Programs

I read this blog post today and thought that it applies greatly to any service oriented business and wanted to share it here. 

Creating Effective Loyalty Programs 

I’ll never forget the first time I walked into one of my favorite restaurants. I was greeted at the door, had a good experience with my server and enjoyed my meal. At the end of the meal, our server asked if I’d like to be part of their “Special VIP” club.  My first thought, of course, went to how much this “Special VIP” program was going to cost me. When the server explained that there was no cost to the program and that I would be receiving special email offers, I signed up and gave my information without giving it another thought.

It's well worth reading and it's the sort of thing we help spa owners do with our marketing program at More Spa Traffic.

Connecting with customers on a personal level is key to keeping them coming back. But not only do you keep them coming back by offering them great value and care, they will in turn bring more customers to your spa.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Example of How Every Touch Counts.

I ran across a rather intriguing blog post the other day that details the amazing power of the wonderful Internet social mediums like Facebook and Twitter.

The post is focused on an event that took place in a restaurant, but it's pertinent for spa and salon owners too. Really, it's pertinent for any business owner who works with the public.

Here's a snippet from, How Every Touch Counts:

A customer waiting for attention from the waiter instead decides to update his Facebook Status with the message that “I’m in The Mill Pub and can’t get service. Hate that”. This message then becomes visible to the customer’s network of hundreds or thousands of friends. Could this have a negative effect on perception and even on bookings? Potentially.

A similar incident became widely publicized in the US recently when the high profile wine blogger and internet celebrity Gary Vaynerchuk when he attended a recent conference in Miami. His poor experience in a high profile hotel affected him so much he video blogged about it, as did a few other high profile internet folks with the result that hundreds of thousands of people learned of their experience within 24 hours. The results were huge and the hotel went into fire-fighting mode to try and offset the negative publicity.

The bad publicity lost the hotel a lot of key business.

It's a great example of the need of business owners and managers to treat every customer like they are their only customer. Is it easy? My word, no! But it is necessary to succeed in this current economic climate where we must do everything we can within reason to keep our loyal customers and and make new ones.

It's also a great example of just how powerful this new medium is today and as business people we need to be actively involved in using the power of the Internet to connect with our customers and make new ones.

That's what we at are committed to doing with our spa marketing program for you. We can help you connect on the Internet with your loyal customers and others in your area with a cost effective program that will increase your business by 15-20% and help double your referrals.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

A couple of links on management and Spa and Salon Marketing.

I just stumbled across this blog post that I thought worth reading:

 Creating and Managing Effective Teams in the Workplace

It gives a number of great points on working and managing groups.

If you're looking for a great cost effective means to market your spa or salon you need to check out the service:

Monday, February 23, 2009

Hi Blogger World!

Ok. This is my first post to the blog world, here. I'm looking forward to this new adventure.

I plan to post about spa information and ways for spa owners to improve their business.

I'll be back soon to post some more.

In the mean time, be sure to check out our website: